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Deutsch: Historiker, Geschichtswissenschaftler.
This category has the following 27 subcategories, out of 27 total.
Media in category "Historians"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 390 total.
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De-Geschichtsforscher.ogg 2.2 s; 22 KB
De-Geschichtsforscherin.ogg 2.4 s; 22 KB
De-Historiker.ogg 2.2 s; 21 KB
De-Historikerin.ogg 2.3 s; 22 KB
2019-08-winfried-mueller.jpg 2,690 × 3,587; 510 KB
Niall Ferguson addresses delegates at the ARC Forum, 30 October 2023.jpg 3,000 × 2,000; 1.94 MB
Ahmede Xane.jpg 899 × 1,600; 175 KB
ALBA CHOQUE PORRAS MARZO 2019-1.jpg 3,828 × 5,329; 6.09 MB
AlejandroAcostaAteneu.png 512 × 673; 407 KB
AllanChapmanbyCarlosFuentesyEspinosa.jpg 3,665 × 5,511; 728 KB
Aluru Venkata Rao.jpg 208 × 315; 24 KB
Historiador Guillermo Carvajal Alvarado.jpg 565 × 433; 58 KB
Amadeu Gallart, a la presentació d'un dels seus llibres a Andorra la Vella.jpg 2,936 × 3,412; 2.73 MB
Andreas-Züll-Wikipedia.jpg 1,066 × 1,600; 86 KB
André.lemaire.jpg 2,405 × 3,206; 2.26 MB
Angara Suryarao.jpg 1,170 × 1,713; 120 KB
Antiquaries; twenty portraits of historians. Engraving by J. Wellcome V0006811.jpg 2,368 × 3,192; 3.16 MB
Ari Helo 2013.jpg 1,161 × 1,200; 327 KB
Ari Helo.jpg 165 × 198; 8 KB
Armand Mauss.png 1,372 × 1,296; 1.34 MB
Arossim book launch- Jan 07, 2011- Percival Noronha talks to the author.jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 852 KB
ASDRUBAL-G.jpg 500 × 700; 152 KB
AstroRon.jpg 720 × 960; 169 KB
Belyaev-Yashvil.jpg 598 × 787; 38 KB
Beneš Krabice z Weitmile.jpg 534 × 455; 79 KB
Benoit-Beaudry Gourd.jpg 2,000 × 2,800; 785 KB
Bilal Şimşir.jpg 799 × 591; 45 KB
Bilfinger-gustav-in-stammbuch-des-koenigs-stuttgart-1913-s165.jpg 520 × 667; 97 KB
Blanche Wiesen Cook 2018.jpg 1,091 × 750; 150 KB
Blanche Wiesen Cook 2018a.jpeg 1,091 × 750; 163 KB
Borisz de Balla 1956.jpg 285 × 353; 38 KB
Boyle7.jpg 1,200 × 1,600; 931 KB
Brann Marcus 1.jpg 738 × 1,024; 188 KB
Brian M. Walker (staraí agus eolaí polaitiúil).jpg 3,456 × 4,608; 2.89 MB
Carl Frängsmyr 2021.jpg 2,589 × 3,511; 1.84 MB
Census 1715.jpg 600 × 600; 251 KB
CFWHuth1925.jpg 275 × 349; 92 KB
Chandra-De-Silva.jpg 512 × 512; 59 KB
ChanfonReyesValerioMartinezMarinGurria1973.png 4,758 × 2,842; 3.6 MB
Christopher Reinhart in Bandung (2020).jpg 2,782 × 2,783; 1.23 MB
Damien Bilteryst.jpg 400 × 400; 30 KB
DamonDiMarco.jpg 1,001 × 1,211; 330 KB
David Canales.png 1,050 × 400; 582 KB
David Garrido Guil.jpg 1,027 × 1,028; 822 KB
Deepak kumar kesharawani.jpg 526 × 694; 46 KB
Deuth.png 1,920 × 772; 51 KB
Don Gabriel Saldívar Silva.jpg 1,267 × 1,945; 547 KB
Don Gilberto Escobosa Gámez.jpg 939 × 579; 87 KB
Dr Rajab Ali Kavani.jpg 960 × 958; 152 KB
Dr Shabir Choudhry.jpg 241 × 278; 18 KB
Dr Sumita Mukherjee with Enid Stacey.jpg 2,972 × 3,632; 6.2 MB
Dr. Emani ShivaNagiReddy.jpg 1,275 × 1,275; 88 KB
Dr. Nirode Kumar Barooah.jpg 1,356 × 2,048; 271 KB
Dr.Ashraf.Salih.jpg 259 × 330; 46 KB
Edmond Davis.jpg 3,073 × 2,048; 424 KB
Edmond S Meany, Red Cloud and others, ca 1906 (PORTRAITS 232).jpg 768 × 586; 59 KB
Edmund Chilmead (1610-1654).jpg 343 × 470; 61 KB
EJSalcinesandfamily.jpg 2,372 × 2,108; 993 KB
Elizabeth Cejudo.jpg 1,168 × 1,600; 439 KB
Elizabeth Clark-Lewis 2019.jpg 1,022 × 750; 112 KB
Emanuel Linder (1768–1843), Theologe, Altphiloge, Historiker..jpg 1,800 × 2,400; 3.44 MB
Erfan q fard,kenneth pollack.jpg 720 × 376; 85 KB
Eric Ledru.jpg 2,112 × 2,816; 2.19 MB
Erlantz-Urtasun-Goiena.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 5.21 MB
Ernle Bradford - street in Kalkara.png 884 × 462; 772 KB
Escudo oruro 1926 la nacion conmemoracion.jpg 715 × 1,019; 346 KB
Evgeny Shilling.webp 1,024 × 1,483; 115 KB
Fabio Velez Correa.jpg 498 × 572; 269 KB
Faheem Judah-El 1997.jpg 960 × 904; 96 KB
Felipe Daniel Ruzene.jpg 1,340 × 2,000; 759 KB
Felix Gilbert 1968.jpg 450 × 270; 110 KB
Film Capitaine Thomas Sankara.jpg 960 × 720; 95 KB
Fira.del.Llibre.2021.jpg 1,550 × 1,035; 121 KB
FIRMA BF.png 575 × 189; 29 KB
Foto de Maria Elizia Borges.jpg 962 × 1,280; 112 KB
Fr Nascimento J Mascarenhas, priest and writer on history (author) from Goa 05.jpg 4,320 × 2,432; 4.3 MB
Fr Nascimento J Mascarenhas, priest and writer on history (author) from Goa 06.jpg 4,320 × 2,432; 4.21 MB
Fr Nascimento J Mascarenhas, priest and writer on history (author) from Goa 07.jpg 4,320 × 2,432; 3.55 MB
Fr Nascimento J Mascarenhas, priest and writer on history (author) from Goa 08.jpg 4,320 × 2,432; 3.63 MB
Fr Nascimento J Mascarenhas, priest and writer on history (author) from Goa 09.jpg 4,320 × 2,432; 3.59 MB
Fr Nascimento J Mascarenhas, priest and writer on history (author) from Goa 10.jpg 4,320 × 2,432; 4.49 MB
Fr Nascimento J Mascarenhas, priest and writer on history (author) from Goa 11.jpg 4,320 × 2,432; 3.46 MB
Fr Nascimento J Mascarenhas, priest and writer on history (author) from Goa 12.jpg 4,320 × 2,432; 4.53 MB
Francisco Javier González Echeverría.jpg 1,928 × 2,816; 2.02 MB
František Alexandr Heber akvarel.jpg 598 × 856; 281 KB
Full Portrayal of Khuda Bakhsh in his library.jpg 1,978 × 2,949; 215 KB
Garazi Arrizabalaga. Historialaria.jpg 1,200 × 675; 96 KB
Gedenkplatte Alfred Schröder Hermanfriedhof Augsburg.jpg 3,204 × 1,264; 948 KB
Gilles Manceron.jpg 3,067 × 3,067; 2.22 MB
Giovani Martines Augusti.png 537 × 541; 510 KB
Govert2foto.jpg 726 × 768; 95 KB
Great-Zimbabwe-ruins-outer-walls-3-1200.jpg 1,200 × 900; 330 KB
Gustaf Adolf Wanner (1911–1984).jpg 1,500 × 2,000; 2.9 MB
Gustavo Arboleda Restrepo.jpg 225 × 313; 6 KB
Guy Walters November 2023.jpg 3,741 × 5,705; 8.6 MB
Göhring Anne+Martin a.jpg 683 × 1,024; 189 KB
Thomas Babington Macaulay (NYPL Hades-255678-EM12185).jpg 3,807 × 6,000; 3.9 MB
Thomas Babington Macaulay (NYPL Hades-255678-EM12185).tiff 3,807 × 6,000; 65.36 MB
Hallpap, Peter.jpg 419 × 525; 61 KB
Hannes Kleineke History of Parliament Trust.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 1.06 MB
Hannes P. Naschenweng.jpg 1,963 × 2,083; 536 KB
Hans Koch (1894-1959).jpg 1,236 × 1,743; 984 KB
Hans Schneider 1971.jpg 1,773 × 2,117; 1.1 MB
Hard Cover, Qadeem ladakh.jpg 1,983 × 3,369; 1.44 MB
Headshot james Green.pdf 7,200 × 10,800; 5.19 MB
Historiadora Heloisa Murgel Starling no Plenário do Senado.jpg 4,176 × 2,784; 6.32 MB
Historian Franco Mormando.jpg 338 × 532; 32 KB
Historian Simar Singh ( Syed ) of Mirpur Royal Family.jpg 3,448 × 2,188; 3.75 MB
Historian Simar Singh at Nagpur conference.jpg 2,302 × 4,095; 4.6 MB
Hong Kong Dr. Ting Sun-pao Joseph 20111113.JPG 239 × 310; 42 KB
Horst-Ulrich Textor.jpeg 240 × 320; 40 KB
Hélène de Champchesnel, historienne et entrepreneuse.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 4.47 MB
Idoia Estornes. Historialaria.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.78 MB
IMG-20230501-WA0026~2-1.png 357 × 508; 87 KB
Inner Cover of Qadeem Ladakh.jpg 1,672 × 2,838; 774 KB
Instinsky Hans-Ulrich a.jpg 1,024 × 683; 213 KB
International House Museum 2.JPG 4,320 × 3,240; 2.89 MB
Irving G. Williams, 1936.jpg 204 × 300; 73 KB
Ivan Sergijević Jastrebov.jpg 2,340 × 4,160; 1.67 MB
Ivo John Lederer.jpg 1,180 × 1,770; 687 KB
Iñaki Sagredo Garde Getxon.jpg 2,816 × 2,112; 1.38 MB
Iñaki-Egaña-2002.jpg 418 × 587; 112 KB
Jaap Meijer, 1985.webp 1,447 × 938; 105 KB
Jakob Christoph Iselin (1681-1737).jpg 341 × 545; 83 KB
James Fell answering questions at the Owl's Nest Books, December 2023.jpg 4,032 × 2,268; 6.47 MB
James Rodway.jpg 1,636 × 2,532; 1.36 MB
JaneLTurner BSORLPhotoBooth 02252023 - 52722632154.jpg 3,840 × 5,760; 11.35 MB
Jase sm.jpg 474 × 540; 153 KB
JavierAP2021.jpg 3,840 × 5,760; 13.66 MB
Jeremy Varon 2012.jpg 936 × 749; 118 KB
Jerome baschet.jpg 594 × 736; 109 KB
Jim McClure.jpg 1,960 × 4,032; 1.72 MB
Jim Walsh portrait.jpg 1,280 × 1,579; 388 KB
JimenoJurio1997Argia.jpg 598 × 434; 66 KB
Joan Pinsach foto oficial.png 277 × 496; 196 KB
John delury.jpg 610 × 808; 387 KB
John Malcolm 1769-1833.jpg 621 × 800; 124 KB
John William Willis-Bund.jpg 1,569 × 2,238; 1.88 MB
Jonny Moser.jpg 1,216 × 1,682; 2.64 MB
JORGE L AROCA.jpg 837 × 880; 113 KB
Jorge Luis Lossio Chávez.jpg 1,800 × 4,000; 1.68 MB
Jose Mari Uriarte historialaria.png 700 × 461; 239 KB
JosebaAgirreazkuenaga2012ZuZeu.jpg 1,024 × 805; 154 KB
Joseph Vogt. Signatur 1979.jpg 572 × 229; 72 KB
José Duarte Valente Júnior.jpg 1,164 × 1,739; 495 KB
JOSÉ-S.jpg 500 × 500; 190 KB
Juan Antonio Susto Lara.pdf 1,237 × 1,750, 17 pages; 12.35 MB
Juan Bethecourt Alfonso foto.jpg 480 × 635; 95 KB
Juan Carlos Altamirano Macarrón. Historiador del Caballo español.jpg 1,076 × 1,648; 398 KB
JuanJoseMartinG1986.jpg 1,758 × 1,156; 151 KB
Juansuarezdeperalta 5.jpg 3,456 × 4,608; 5.43 MB
Julia Csergo.jpg 1,516 × 2,303; 934 KB
Julio Chacón del Campo.jpg 400 × 609; 88 KB
Just Leo a.jpg 683 × 1,024; 197 KB
K K N Kurup.jpg 1,641 × 1,727; 1.34 MB
Kalkschmidt Eugen a.jpg 683 × 1,024; 243 KB
Karion Istomin historiograph.jpg 400 × 637; 56 KB
Karl Friedrich Stehlin (1859–1934) Jurist, Archäologe, Historiker, Politiker. .jpg 1,200 × 900; 1.05 MB
Karl Theodor Wenzelburger (1839-1918).jpg 1,337 × 1,945; 296 KB
Karmele Artetxe.jpg 852 × 972; 141 KB
Kaviraja Bankidas Asiya.jpg 282 × 416; 59 KB
Keisha Blain Headshot (cropped).jpg 2,524 × 3,368; 3.22 MB
Keisha Blain Headshot.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 5.74 MB
Kessel Eberhard a.jpg 873 × 768; 206 KB
Hashmatullah Khan.tif 2,424 × 3,804, 2 pages; 6.27 MB
Kotha Bhavaiah Chowdary.jpg 389 × 617; 117 KB
Kurt Gritsch 2018 (by Simon Raffeiner).jpg 3,347 × 2,231; 1.25 MB
LanceScottWalker(Photo-JenniferCharles).jpg 5,616 × 3,744; 12.55 MB
Laurent Dubois 2010.jpg 1,046 × 750; 121 KB
Laurent Joly.jpg 808 × 1,212; 93 KB
Lazzaro Agostino Cotta.jpg 699 × 915; 137 KB
Lcdo. Yuri Vladimir Hernández Mendoza.jpg 357 × 537; 23 KB
LeeAtComicCon2017.jpg 1,086 × 1,054; 252 KB
Leonard W Labaree 1919.jpg 262 × 400; 98 KB
Lewis Cook at Home.jpg 1,576 × 1,983; 280 KB
Lisheng Zhao teenager age.png 236 × 320; 93 KB
Livres bibliothèque Ismael Zniber 2.jpg 2,268 × 4,032; 1.32 MB
Lola Higueras en entrevista documental de Carmen Verdú.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 1.75 MB
Louis Fishman.jpg 2,155 × 1,439; 284 KB
Louis Le Gendre.jpg 1,293 × 2,064; 633 KB
Luc Pauwels, 2010.jpg 881 × 865; 230 KB
Lucette Valensi.jpg 557 × 720; 25 KB
Lucinda photo.gif 460 × 339; 153 KB
Ludvig Holberg (1684-1754).jpg 4,629 × 4,628; 6.01 MB
Luis Alberto Ferreira Carmelé.jpg 185 × 239; 10 KB
LUIS-CUBILLAN.jpg 500 × 500; 140 KB
Lukáš Kašpar (publicista).jpg 1,216 × 1,269; 109 KB
Mae Ngai 2012.jpg 840 × 672; 132 KB
Mahamahopadhyaya Kaviraja Shyamaldas by Johnston & Hoffman, Udaipur.jpg 2,048 × 2,048; 248 KB
Mahamahopadhyaya Kaviraja Shyamaldas, Udaipur.png 1,136 × 1,510; 2.33 MB
MMahieu.histor.jpg 214 × 407; 52 KB