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Tech is moving everything, everywhere, all at once
Dear friends, On the days when you feel like technology can’t possibly move any faster—it, of course, speeds up even …

“Life Moves Pretty Fast”: A Huge Week of AI News
Dear friends, Ferris Bueller had it right, and he didn’t even know about frontier technology in 2023. This week kicked …

“Still Loading” Series: Innovative “From Start to Finish”
Dear friends, Our incredible investigative series on internet disparities, “Still Loading,” continues cleaning up on the awards circuit, this week …

Announcing Five New Colleagues in The Markup Newsroom!
Dear friends, We’re immensely proud that at The Markup, we consistently attract highly talented folks to our small but mighty …

Newsroom on a Roll and The Markup in the Spotlight!
Dear friends, During the last week or so, our newsroom has been hard at work, publishing three juicy story packages …

The Markup Fuels a Bombshell Congressional Investigation and a New Media Literacy Award
Dear friends, Our November investigation into tax prep companies sharing sensitive customer information has hit the news in a big …

Tech Talk: Our Mandate to Listen as Intentionally as We Speak
Dear friends, There is SO. MUCH. TALK. About AI and other previously far-off technologies that are now our reality. And …

Worried about what AI means for the future? Worry about the present.
Dear friends, Today’s news is near-constant speculation about what generative AI will bring. Will it decimate entire industries or render …

Come see The Markup’s NEW home page!
Hello everyone, It's been an amazing couple of weeks here at The Markup! Our newsroom is on fire, with an …

The Markup: Editor-in-Chief Sisi Wei’s First Few Months Pack a Punch
Dear friends, It’s been nearly four months since Editor-in-Chief Sisi Wei joined us at The Markup, and the reporting out …
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