2020 in Review
Google’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Yet Still Extremely Profitable 2020
Alphabet ran a gantlet of regulatory threats as the pandemic diminished, and then boosted, profits
Challenging technology to serve the public good.
2020 in Review
Alphabet ran a gantlet of regulatory threats as the pandemic diminished, and then boosted, profits
Google the Giant
Will the AMP format die as a result?
Google the Giant
A new browser extension from The Markup
Google the Giant
The lawsuit noted that the company pushes down “organic” results and tells employees to avoid words that have implications in antitrust law—practices revealed by two investigations by The Markup
Google the Giant
A congressional subcommittee last week recommended new nondiscrimination rules for big tech firms, but experts say the trick is enforcement
Google the Giant
The Markup obtained internal documents that coach new employees to avoid creating “very real legal risks” in using words like “market” and “network effects”
Google the Giant
Comment comes as part of big tech CEO grilling by antitrust committee
Show Your WorkGoogle the Giant
Novel categorizations and “staining” techniques uncovered how much space on the search results page Google dedicates to itself
Google the Giant
The search engine dedicated almost half of the first page of results in our test to its own products, which dominated the coveted top of the page
Google the Giant
Searching Google’s ad buying portal for “Black girls” returned hundreds of terms leading to “adult content”
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