The Breakdown
Who Is Collecting Data from Your Car?
A firehose of sensitive data from your vehicle is flowing to a group of companies you’ve probably never heard of
Challenging technology to serve the public good.
Alfred Ng is an enterprise reporter in Brooklyn covering privacy and surveillance. He’s interested in stories that highlight technology’s side effects and how they can be addressed. He left The Markup in June 2022.
Before The Markup, he was a senior reporter for CNET, covering cybersecurity and privacy, and a reporter for the New York Daily News, covering police and crime. His reporting demonstrated how technology’s claims to reduce crime were unfounded, both in neighborhoods and in schools using facial recognition.
The Breakdown
A firehose of sensitive data from your vehicle is flowing to a group of companies you’ve probably never heard of
Pixel Hunt
When parents scheduled an appointment for their children on the Nemours page, Facebook received that information
Coordinated industry lobbying is overwhelming the scattered efforts of consumer groups and privacy-minded lawmakers
The family safety company was approached by regulators about its data sales
The case suggests this loosely regulated industry can’t deliver on its promises of privacy
The BreakdownPrivacy
Google and Apple have tried to crack down, but location data brokers are moving to a new way to collect your whereabouts that’s much harder to detect
Former employees said Life360 executives knew about security gaps
The announcement comes after The Markup identified the family tracking app as one of the largest sources of raw data for the location data industry
The Markup identified 107 apps that sold data to X‑Mode in 2018 and 2019
For years researchers have called out the Wiretap Report for being outdated and incomplete
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