Hello World
I Used ChatGPT as a Reporting Assistant. It Didn’t Go Well
The AI tool ignored basic instructions about sourcing and citations. But it’s a pretty good newsroom coding partner.
Challenging technology to serve the public good.
Ryan Tate has been writing and editing technology stories for more than 15 years. He was previously at The Intercept, where as deputy and technology editor he led lengthy investigations into companies like Facebook, Google, and TikTok and into surveillance by the National Security Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and authorities in the Chinese region of Xinjiang.
Before that, he wrote about the use and abuse of corporate power in the tech sector at Wired and Gawker.
(Photograph by Noah Berger.)
Hello World
The AI tool ignored basic instructions about sourcing and citations. But it’s a pretty good newsroom coding partner.
An investigation by The Markup sparked demands for answers
Our tool and advice can help you navigate the overwhelming number of settings on today’s game platforms.
Organ Failure
Despite being more likely to die of liver disease, Native Americans are far less likely to make the transplant list than White people
Show Your WorkOrgan Failure
We found Native Americans were listed for a transplant significantly less often than other racial groups compared with their number of deaths from liver disease
Gentle January
Keep your kids’ info offline, fake your security question answers, use a password manager, and more
Gentle January
Several people wrote in to suggest caution when hosting and handling email
Gentle January
Why share any personal information if you don’t have to?
Gentle January
It’s used to verify your identity in sensitive situations, and retailers don’t need to know
Hello World
An interview with Micah Lee, author of a new book on analyzing datasets that were leaked, hacked, or just accidentally left in the open
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